Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Owing Myself

I have a procedural question. If I go on personal holiday with time off work, and am then struck by a nasty sinus-throat-lung illness which puts me out of commission for a few days, is that vacation or is it sick leave? I took a trip somewhere to see family, so it must be vacation; but I was laid up in a dark room for two days, so that seems like sickness.

I suppose it was really my personal vacation, so I am the one responsible not to get sick for it. Perhaps then I should also be responsible for my own private cache of sick days, sort of like self-insurance. Then I could be my own benefits coordinator and say snarky things like, Sorry, you can't get sick on this vacation. You were sick last weekend! I could also do mind-blowing things like taking a vacation from my vacation! Adios Phil, I'm taking a day off from all this fun!

Excuse me while fire myself.


Zootenany Hoodlum said...


And how do you feel now?

Think about. Take a sick day to ponder, and give me a call to talk about it..

Craig Markwardt said...

Dang it, but I had to take another sick-day last weekend :-(

Tod Strohmayer said...

Here's another one, what if your son gets sick and you have to take off from work to stay with him, is that
sick leave or annual leave?

In my book it's usually sick leave, but the point is largely moot, since I generally have more sick AND annual leave than I know what to do with!

Creatific said...

I think that, considering the many hours that you are working on work work at 3 AM and at 4AM and 5 AM and 6 AM, you should never, ever, ever, not even once, put down a sick day or a day of annual leave on your time sheets. They get WAAY more out of you than they are paying you.

Just my personal opinion.

Craig Markwardt said...

@creatific, given the number of use-or-lose days I have built, up, it's not necessarily an advantage to not take leave.